About us!

We're Project WISH (Wings in Singapore Heartland), a CmPS (Community Problem Solving) Project team. Our group consists of 8 Year 3 students from Raffles Girls' School (Secondary), Zek Min, Beverley, Shayna, Vivian, Kate, Zhang Xuan, Yuexin and Wang You. 

Our aim is to increase public awareness and involvement of the Butterfly Trail @Orchard (dft.ba/-BTO for more info), a trail of butterfly gardens along Orchard Road, an initiative to promote urban nature, so as to foster a sense of ownership amongst the public towards urban nature projects. Among our efforts, we have also adopted a butterfly garden along the trail and set up a garden of our own in our school, as well as hosted workshops and made contacts with various schools, both local and international.

Do take a look around our blog and see what we've done so far. Thanks for visiting!


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