Workshop with Project APPdicted

Project WISH collaborated with Project APPdicted in conducting a workshop during the September holidays.


Playing on Wings Workshop at Science Centre Singapore

Project WISH hosting a workshop at Singapore Science Centre to teach young children the importance of urban nature. Our group, our teacher-in-charge and some happy children and their mother.


Meeting Mrs Edith Wolff

Project WISH met with Mrs Edith Wolff, from a school in Germany, who shares our passion for butterflies and urban nature. We exchanged ideas and knowledge, a great experience for both parties.


Butterfly Garden at RGS

Besides outreach, Project WISH also set up and continuously maintains the butterfly garden within our own school, by pruning regularly and repotting and introducing new plants every few months.


Butterfly Surveys

Apart from outreach, Project WISH also helps to collect data regarding the butterfly gardens by conducting weekly butterfly surveys at the Dhoby Ghaut Green garden, increasing our knowledge of butterfly patterns.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Inter-House Games

On the 25th of May, 2012, CmPS Project WISH organized an Inter-House Game within our school.

A peak at the initial planning stage!
The Inter-House Games are essentially a series of games students can participate in to win points for their house.  Individual games are each organized separately by a select number of student groups—this year, however, we were the only CmPS group granted permission to organize an IHG. We opted for a popular favourite- an Amazing Race style IHG.

Our aim in organizing it was to spread awareness about butterflies within the school population, and to promote our butterfly garden in school.  

And so the Amazing Race became a Butterfly-Themed-Amazing-Race. Our tactical approach to this conundrum was to make the each station related to butterflies.  For those of you unfamiliar with modern-day television, an Amazing Race is basically a race in which there are a number of teams with a series of stations to complete.  Only upon each station’s completion are the teams given a clue, which once solved will direct them to the next station.

However given a number of constraints, we devised a points system so as to allow the game to suit the House system. So, a simplified explanation on the operation of our IHG:  there are five teams, each representing the five houses.  There are a number of stations, each staffed by a station manager.  Each station houses a game or task, and teams are assigned points by the station manager based on their performance.  It is only upon completion of each separate game/task by the teams to the station managers’ satisfaction that they are given a clue directing them to the next station.

And that’s the logistical side of it.

Our purpose in organising this IHG was to raise awareness about butterflies. 

Pre-IHG briefing

In the pre-IHG briefing, we gave them a presentation about the importance of urban nature in Singapore, as well as the role butterflies play. They then went on to prove their newly-earned knowledge in various games and challenges.

 The stations:

Kate's and Zek Min's station: the Koi Pond
Each group started from a different station. Kate's station was called 'Rapid Fire' where participants would have to answer as many questions as possible within the time limit of 10 minutes. We were glad to observe that most of them had absorbed the content of the briefing.  
Zhang Xuan's and Beverley's station was titled 'Caterpillar Games' and served to evaluate the teams on their teamwork.  The station was set up such that there were thirty individually numbered leaves placed around a given area in a random order.  The participants formed a line before being blindfolded and left in the hands of a selected team leader, whose job it was to direct the group in completing a circuit of fifteen leaves in as little time as possible.  This circuit was determined by the station mistress, who would call out a number and wait for the group to travel to the corresponding leaf before calling out the next number.  Teams were assessed based on station mistresses' observations regarding their team work as well as on the time it took for them to complete the activity.
Zhang Xuan and Beverley's station: outside the KS Chee Theatre
For Yuexin's station, the participants were given a map and tasked to identify the locations of the butterfly plants in our school within a given time frame. This activity aimed to promote awareness of the different types of butterfly plants, especially so in our school community itself. 

Yuexin's station: on the track
Shayna's station is called 'Matching'. The participants have to match the names of the butterflies to the respective pictures. 

And finally, our IHG was set apart from past years’ by a very special touch—a last combined station.  No points, no death and glory and honour for your house—just a last station where all the teams gathered together in harmony to...

Richardson house planting their own plant

Do gardening!

Ownership is tremendously important for urban nature to be fully integrated by individuals into modern society.  It’s much easier to do something when you care about it.  On a smaller scale, ownership is key for our butterfly garden to continue to thrive in our absence in about two years’ time.

Gardening under the hot sun


The idea was to have students of the school be part of the little urban nature/butterfly awareness project we have going on here.  That they be made aware of the importance of urban nature and the importance of butterflies in urban nature, and care about it.  And so the finishing line of the race was our school butterfly garden.  Each team planted a butterfly plant in representation of their house.  Each plant stands there as something that each house has done, has helped happen, and we hope that this has instilled a sense of ownership in the students. 



The main goal of our project can be summarised in five simple words: we want people to care.  And hopefully we’ll have accomplished that with this group of seventy or so students; yes, it’s not a lot of people, but it’s still seventy more people than there was before.  Seventy more people spreading the gospel.

Wang You giving the post-IHG debrief

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Recently, our schoolmates spotted a rather interesting scene at our school butterfly garden and one of them has kindly taken a photo of the cute scene (see below):  
A lizard sunbathing on the signs we put up at our school butterfly garden! Isn't it cute?

We have also finished designing our shirt and poster for a programme we're organising in collaboration with the Singapore Science Centre (credit goes to Kate).

The front and back designs of our shirt respectively. We have chosen the colour maroon as the T-shirt will be used for slightly more formal occasions.

Poster to promote our workshop we are conducting @ Science Centre this June!

Now we will be waiting for our designs to be approved by the school before further negotiating with the supplier.

More updates soon!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Meeting People. (Well, person.)

So we met up with the wonderful Mrs. Edith Flores Wolff from Germany. She has given us a good many ideas on how we can raise greater awareness of our project through creative means. 

But first, a little background information (or promotion, if you will) on/for Mrs. Wolff and her project (or what we can make of it).  It's called The Asia Europe Classroom Network, but we're involved in an aspect of it that concerns butterflies. Mrs. Wolff has worked with schools all across the globe, literally, and through this and her passion for butterflies she has amassed and shared with us a generous wealth of ideas which we are considering for our project.

These ideas include but are definitely not limited to:
- Colourful signs with butterfly pictures/quotes around the school to catch people's attention and raise awareness.  This is mostly to raise awareness about and expand out butterfly garden in school.
- Something about mandelas-- which are something like stained glass designs on paper.  We're considering incorporating this into our Science Centre programme.
- Butterfly puppets.  Glow in the dark puppets.

Also, she clarified the issue about the consolidation of butterfly species in a book.  There seems to be an issue regarding the translation of the scientific names of butterflies into Singapore's native languages, Chinese and Malay.  She brought to our attention a group of students in Germany who managed to translate the butterfly names into German.  Collation of host plants and teaching students how to identify them through books also came up.

She very kindly brought us gifts from the Philippines: these handmade key chains which are really pretty:

And we gave her this shirt that was very kindly prepared by a previous member of the group:

We gave her a tour of our butterfly garden, and she pointed out several other butterfly host plants scattered around the school.  She pointed out several other areas where our butterfly garden could potentially be expanded to.

Mrs. Lee with Mrs. Wolff
 Following this, we led both Mrs. Lee an Mrs. Wolff to the butterfly garden at Nassim Road and  the butterfly garden at Dhoby Ghaut Green. When we reached the garden, we were pleased to observe a butterfly, a Cruiser butterfly, which we hadn't seen before in the garden during the butterfly surveys. We are pleased to report that the garden is very active, more active than it has been for the past three or so surveys.

And we remain, Mrs. Wolff, most fondly yours,
Project W.I.S.H


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