Monday, February 13, 2012

Butterfly Survey 2

When we were carrying out our second butterfly survey, we discovered that the garden attracts more than just butterflies. Indeed, upon closer look, the garden is teeming with insects and animals. For example, there were bees that are large enough to cause a flower to sag when they landed on it, many types of snails, centipedes, millipedes and many other insects. 

We observed some caterpillars on the underside of the leaves, especially so for the Pseuderanthemum reticulatum plant. After clarifying with Mr Anuj, we found out that the caterpillar in the picture above is actually a caterpillar of the Autumn Leaf butterfly, and the plant is their common host plant.

Unfortunately, we also observed many birds flying overhead. This is worrying as birds are natural predators of butterflies and may pose a problem to the butterfly population in the coming weeks.


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