We are proud to bring to the population of Raffles Girls' School(and other interested parties) seven original designs that will be sold printed on badges. The badges will be available via order forms in class trays and come in two separate sizes.
Our project has been becoming involved with an increasing number of projects and events; and with great expansion comes a great need for funding. When we speak of expansion now, we no longer speak merely of increasing the area covered by our school garden(although that is always a priority in our project) but of reaching out to related organizations and projects, and educating greater numbers of the public. Many of the events we have planned and hope to plan require not only time and effort but also funding.

An end is never only an end in itself; and Fundraising Reloaded serves the second purpose of promoting our cause. Unlike the sale of bubble tea, the selling of original badge designs allowed us another, more interesting medium for the promotion of our project. As a result all our designs are in some way related to our project. The system of the distribution of order forms almost guarantees that majority of the school student population will view the designs as well as the blurb introducing our project. While fundraising isn't technically considered as outreach, it still serves as a vehicle of promotion for our project.
Here's to Project WISH's second round of fundraising this year!
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